My First Quarter Reflection My first quarter was stressfull and surprisingly fun. I met new people and discovered my new obsession to Harry Potter. I sound like a nerd ew. ANywAY, life was easy for these 2 months. ATleast I made it to cheerleading and hopefully I don’t get kicked it out of it. Then, Halloween. Halloween was fun. I gave out my candy. Math was stressful for me. I never went to working lunch for it. Even though I sucked at it. I understand the topic after like 2 lessons, which is something bad I think. Though I forget it after one week. Science, I like doing stuff alone. I mean I am kinda a introvert. When I’m alone I do things more faster and I think more smarter. I really don’t know why but it helps me. When I do things with groups I get out out voted, they do stuff that doesn’t make sense. They don't care about grade it sorta looks like. That’s just a small rant because I don’t want to type too much about this because then it look I’m so annoying person. I j...